How Old Is The Oldest Turtle In The World - Jonathan

How Old Is The Oldest Turtle In The World


How Old Is The Oldest Turtle In The World


Friends, do you want to know how old is the oldest turtle in the world. Then in today's article a 190 year old turtle has been told. Whose name is Jonathan’s.


The oldest animal on earth is Jonathan. Jonathan is 190 years old tortoise. Know about some special facts of Jonathan the tortoise.

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Oldest Animal Alive On Earth


If you are asked about the largest living animal in the world, your answer will undoubtedly be a tortoise.


Friends, turtles live for more than 100 years and in such a situation they are considered one of the most unique species.


Turtles have been the inhabitants of the earth since the time of the dinosaurs, that is, they are more than 6000 years old and there are certainly many species of them that live in different parts of the world.


Although all this information will be found on the internet about turtle, but many people do not know that after all the oldest living animal in the world is also a turtle. The name of this turtle is Jonathan who was brought from Seychelles to the British island of St. Helena.


How old is Jonathan?


Official records of Jonathan's birth go back to 1832. Actually, it was brought from Seychelles to the South Atlantic Island of Saint Helena in 1882. There were 3 other turtles with it.


Records at the time say that Jonathan was a fully grown adult at the time, and for a tortoise to be a full adult, it would have been 50 years old.


Accordingly, Jonathan would have been born in 1832. Since then he has been living in St. Helena.


In 1930, the governor of St. Helena, Spencer Davis, gave his name to Jonathan. Now according to these official records, Jonathan is 190 years old according to that.


How Old Is The Oldest Turtle In The World


The world has changed a lot since Jonathan was born


Since the birth of Jonathan, she has witnessed two World Wars, the coronation of Britain's Queen Victoria as Queen Victoria became queen five years from 1832.


Since then Jonathan has witnessed the Russian Revolution, 7 British kings and queens, 39 US presidents and several pandemics including the corona virus and the Spanish flu.


Invention after Jonathan was born?


Computers have come to the world since the birth of Jonathan, commercial flights have come, the first sky scraper (1885), the Eiffel Tower has been built (1887), the world's first human photograph has been taken (1838) and many more search has been made.

Friends, now you know that how old is the oldest turtle jonathan in the world. Jonathan is a very unique animal and is no less than a celebrity not only in St. Helena but in the whole world.


You will find many old photos of Jonathan on the Internet. If seen, Jonathan's fan following is also not less. Jonathan also has his own social group and Wikipedia page. Not only this, Jonathan is also a Guinness Book World Record holder.


The world's oldest person was only 122 years old


Although the average age of humans is only 80 years, but still there have been many record holders, one of which even got the title of the world's oldest person. The man who has spent the most time on earth so far was Jeanne Calment of France, whose age was 122 years and 144 days.


However, age is starting to take a toll on Jonathan. According to Jonathan's official weight records, he is blind and has lost his sense of smell due to age, which makes him unable to recognize food, but he can still hear well and eats well. Hopefully Jonathan will make similar records in the future as well.


What is the secret of Jonathan's longevity


Turtles live a very long life. Scientists were trying to find out what is the reason why turtles live such a long life compared to humans and other animals? A recent study revealed that the tortoise kills its dead cells on its own. This process is called apoptosis. Through this tortoises increase their lifespan. Jonathan is being discussed a lot because of his age. According to his health, Jonathan will live a long life.


How Old Is The Oldest Turtle In The World


Friends, now you know that how old is the oldest turtle in the world. If you liked this story, then do share it. Stay connected to read more such stories.

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